Welcome to the homepage of the traveler!!

Over the past 7.5 years I have been able to do some traveling. There are some people who have traveled way more than I; but I have been to, (in my opinion) several countries within this last 7.5 years. I have had the privilege to go to Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Costa Rica (twice), Nicaragua, Nepal, India, Guatemala, and Canada, Jordan, Israel, Thailand (very short time), S. Korea (very short time), and of course, the U.S.A.

Anyways, as time goes on, I will attempt to be putting up more and more stuff on this blog. Enjoy what I have so far!!!

The Traveler

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lakeside Community

A few months ago, I began going to a home fellowship group.  And out of the time that I have spent there, there have been many things that have come from it.  Just to give a bit of background, this fellowship is part of a church here in Lakeside.  Something that the church is trying to do, is become more intentional about becoming the “Acts 2 church” basically reaching into the community and doing whatever it can to bring transformation. 
Because I have been teaching about community development and what that means for the past few years, I have been so excited to be a part of something here in Lakeside, that is actually allowing me to apply or “practice what I’ve teaching.”
Some things that have come as a result of this is now there is a new thrift store that is opening up to the public who need things for cheap, and I have also been able to talk with some leaders in the church to do a “community assessment” here in Lakeside. I teach a lot about community assessment in the FCD school.  So to be able to actually do one in a community which needs Jesus and transformation, is so exciting for me.

An Exciting Change!!

On a more personal note, a few weeks ago, I was talking with a friend of mine; and explaining how I was thinking about moving off base.  He had the same idea, so we looked at a few options.  As we were walking through one of the houses we really felt like this was to be the place for us, but we wanted more housemates, so in short I asked one of my friends if he would be willing to move in, and he said he would be only if there was a fourth, and during the time, my other friend said the same thing.  So we ended up with four housemates.
I think it is a wonderful thing to live off base and actually live in the community I am wanting to work in.