The time for this school has come to an end. During the last 3 1/2 months, I have had the privilege to staff the masters-level Community Development school in Kona. this particular school was done completely online, which made for some very interesting dynamics.
We had about 30 students total,10 face to face and about 20 online. Our students came from Samoa, Canada, Amsterdam, the US and several Asian and African countries.
Running this type of school, presented its challenges. This school was the first one that we ran completely online.
What was my role? When I first arrived in Kona, the school leaders came up to me and said basically that this school is all online and we need some one to run the technology part. and we want you to do it. when I first heard this I about fell out of my seat! I knew nothing about the kind of technology that was required, but with a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach I said... "Uuuhhhh Okaaayy?!?!?!?"
I was seriously thrown into this job without any experience. But with God's grace I ran the livestream, sound system, microphone set and two online-learning programs. Plus I carried many other responsibilities relating to the school.
Because this was a pilot project, we did not know what the outcome of the school would be, and how the students were going to be changed. God miraculously came through and we saw transformation take place in the lives of our students through the internet.
God can work through any form of medium!
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Не that has no children knows not what love is.
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